Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Christina has really embraced the idea of yarn bombing! Very clever! See more yarn bombing links on our facebook page.

Alice knitted this little girl dress
Some of the finished quilt squares
Bernadette and Shira
The back of Shira's quilt
The amazingly beautiful front of Shira's quilt

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cutting out squares for our quilt;members hard at work on individual projects;Lena models a silk scarf-Lois provided the silk, Christina spun it and Lena did the knitting; Alice spots a new knitted hat

Linda made these wonderful Christmas stockings for her grandchildren;Marie has completed her knitted and felted bag

Lena's shawl;Alice's snowflake;Janis' sample quilt square;Linda with her finished baby blanket;Barbara working on her blanket

Lena working on her scarf;Christina and her colorful muff;Sandy's counted cross-stitch

The finished dyed scarves, yarn and fiber

Tami has started another new sweater;Christina shows off her knitted bag;Shira has started a new quilt;Alice finished her scarf and fingerless gloves;Christina models another knitted bag.

Shira with several of the quilts she has made; Tami models her sleeveless sweater that she made;

Natural dye material from plants in Lena's yard; Tami, Alice and Marie preparing their silk scarves for dyeing; Lena, our workshop leader

Connie prepares to dye a silk scarf; Tami and Alice discuss their scarf dyes; Alice and Marie with their finished dyed yarns.

Alice and Tami with some finished yarn. Yarn in the dyeing process. Marie's finished yarn.