We had a surprise visit from one of our members, Pam, join us with her new son, Brandon, only 5weeks old, modeling a sweater that she knit for him. Welcome Brandon. We hope to see you again soon, sporting more knitted outfits.
Here is Janis with an original creation. This is a piece of shear curtain material in which Janis embroidered the circular pattern. The brown and green colors are provided by sea glass stitched in their own little pocket to hold them in place. Janis plans to hang this in front of a window.
Janis has been working on more squares in navy blue for our Linus Project Blanket/s
Alice's collection of some of Alice's patterns and books.
More fun socks.
These socks are works of art. Almost too pretty to wear.
Prior to our April meeting, someone had asked for help with socks. So, Alice brought in some of the socks she and Tami, her daughter had knit along with some good pattern books for us to look over.